Thursday, 26 November 2009


This is our digipack, which we think works really well, we feel that it fits in with the mood that our video was trying to create. i think that we were successful in making the band seem really fun. the digipack has photographs of the band that have been edited so that the pictures are more electronic to fit in with the genre of the music. we also included details about the album, including what other songs, and the producing details. we also included logo's of a record company to make it look more proffessional and realistic.

Magazine Advertisement

This is our music video magazine cover, we took the same idea as we did with our Digipack. We find that many of the colours we used in the magazine cover stand out because it appeals the viewer, and it also fits the genre that we picked. We had feedback relating the song to the genre we have chosen and most of the feedback was possitive. We added such labels as blueray, EMI records, and HD to give it an authentic look and add a touch of realism to the product.

I personally believe that i could see this magazine cover on display as it has a strong realistic feel about it.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Original CD cover

This is the bands original CD cover for the album, we liked the idea of having a photograph of the band on the front cover, we took this into account when making our own digipack and magazine cover.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


We have begun editing our music video and found there is a lot of footage of us not lip syncing, we have decided to speed up these parts of the film using different effects so we can use them in our video. We have also slowed parts down such as the spitting paint part. One of the effects we used was dazzle, this made the UV paint stand out and look very striking, here are some screen grabs of the dazzle effect and other parts of the editing process we took whilst editing in final cut

Tuesday, 17 November 2009



We're really happy with the outcome, and we've had feedback from some members of the class, which also think we've created a really good music video.

'i love this video its very unusual but matches the song brilliantly just think you would benefit from having choreographed movement.'

i we were to do the video again, we would probably take this comment into account, and take more time to come up with choreographed dances.

'The video suits the music, the effects are brilliant especially when the girls' lips are bright red. Dance routine is fits well with the song. :D'

Monday, 16 November 2009

Editing techniques

For our final cut of our music video we expanded our use of imagery techniques within the video editing process. We also varied our footage on a larger scale rather than focusing on longer scenes for alot of the video.
Doing this increased the atmosphere and mood, making it seem lively and fun, drawing in the audiences attention for a longer period of time.

One of the main effects used on short, sharper footage is 'dazzle' on final cut. We also increased and slowed some footage to vary the overall pace of our video.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Rough Cut Feedback

we got a various different responses to our rough cut.

1. What do you rate as strengths of the music video?

- Good Editing
- Fits with theme of song
- Looks modern
- Nice Idea
- Good use of differen't shots

2. What do you think are the area's of improvement?

- Quite repetitive
- No lip syncing
- Bit long
- Plain Random shots
- More people needed
- include band and singer

3. What do you think the group should change?

- Differen't location
- Keep singers vague
- More shots of faces
- Add band

4. What has the group still got to do?

- Add more scenes and/or effects to make it seem less repetitive
- Add Lip syncing

we will take some of the advise given to us and try and apply it to our music video.
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